Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Evaluation Q5

How did you attract/address your audience? 
I attracted the audience through researching into the prime ages which watch thrillers of the genre I was planning on making. Also through this questionnaire I found the main features from the thriller genre which the viewer’s enjoy the most. From the research  I found that the majority of thriller watchers were ranging from the ages 16-30 years of age. Obviously with exceptions from this trend. As this age group are the primary viewers I planned to attract and address this age group. In order for the characters to create a bond with each of the charcaters they must have common ground to compare themselves to the character on. For example; age, social group, ethnicity and marital status. I did this by creating my characters with traits of normality, for this age group and social class. My main character, Fred, is an ordinary 20 year old man, so I aimed my thriller at people aged around 20 so could get more immersed and believe it could be them in that position.

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